Benefit with a dynamic energy contract

Vrijopnaam offers a dynamic energy contract in the Netherlands, allowing you to pay the actual market price for energy. The price of electricity varies on an hourly basis and the gas prices on a daily base.

This means you can save money by adjusting your energy consumption to the most advantageous hours of the day. That way, you decide how much you save!

For example, you can save by charging your electric car when the electricity price is low, or by turning on the washing machine tomorrow instead of today. Of course, you are still using our sustainable Dutch solar power and carbon compensated gas.

Want to know what this means for you? You can calculate your prepayment per month here without any obligations.

What is dynamic energy pricing?

Dynamic energy pricing links your energy costs directly to fluctuating market rates. When prices drop, so does your energy bill.

By adjusting your consumption to the most advantageous hours of the day or by using less energy at times when the price is high you can save money. That way, with a dynamic energy contract, you decide how much you save.

Graph showing peaks in electricity consumption, with a green image indicating that it is smarter to use energy in the afternoon because the dynamic tariffs are lower.

For example: the blue graph shows you peaks in electricity use and the green image shows you that it is smarter to use energy in the afternoon because the dynamic tariffs are lower!

Contract type Pricing
Dynamic Energy Contract Electricity: per hour
Gas: daily
Variable Energy Contract Monthly
Fixed-rate Contract After your fixed contract period ends

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Comparison of contract types

Unlike traditional fixed-rate plans or regular variable energy contracts in the Netherlands, dynamic pricing electricity models adjusts electricity tariffs hourly and gas prices daily, allowing you to take advantage of low market prices. This type of dynamic energy pricing provides flexibility and transparency, empowering you to optimize your energy usage.


Save Money and Go Green

Switching to a dynamic electricity pricing contract not only helps you save money—it’s good for the planet too.

By using energy when demand is lower, you’re helping to create a more balanced and sustainable electricity grid.


Ready to give dynamic electricity pricing a try?


Start now, save instantly

Why & when choose a dynamic energy contract?

Your energy, you decide! With electricity dynamic pricing and (optional) dynamic gas tariffs, you control your energy costs. Vrijopnaam provides insight into your consumption and (real-time and future) energy prices, empowering you to decide how to optimize your energy usage.

You choose dynamic pricing energy rates if:

⚡ You can manage a (large) part of your energy consumption, such as charging an electric car during low-price hours.
⚡ You enjoy optimizing your energy consumption while contributing to sustainability.

Advantages of a dynamic energy contract

  • Save costs by optimizing energy use
  • Sustainable energy (100% Dutch solar power & carbon compensated natural gas)
  • Support a more sustainable electricity grid
  • Flexible contract: switch anytime without penalties

Still in doubt? Contact our customer service for dynamic energy advice tailored to your situation.

Start saving now—calculate your instalment today!

The Vrijopnaam app: the number tell the tale!

In the Vrijopnaam app (demo) you can always see all consumption and cost details. Besides, you can also find tomorrow's costs and energy prices here. Are tomorrow's energy prices sunnier than today's? That’s where you can adjust your home consumption accordingly to save. This gives you more control over your energy bill.

How it works

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Is the Dynamic Rate Right for You?

Going for the dynamic rate? Then make sure your home has a smart meter. Do you have your own solar panels or Paneelopnaam? Then it is not yet possible to use the dynamic pricing energy contract. So, think carefully about which contract best suits your situation. Is the dynamic rate not for you? You can always cancel or switch to another type of contract (variable energy contract or fixed contract) free of charge.


Gemakkelijk, overzichtelijk en goede prijs


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Gunstige prijs en alles is goed, overzichtelijk en makkelijk geregeld. Groene stroom 100% van NL zon en CO2 gecompenseerd gas. Erg tevreden!

Eerlijk, helder en voordelig


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Ik ben heel blij met vrijopnaam, ze zijn onwijs klantvriendelijk, helder en maken het je zo makkelijk mogelijk om goedkoop er uit te zijn.

Fantastische service, goede app


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Vriendelijke mensen bij de klantenservice, makkelijke en overzichtelijke app, degelijk product, ze doen wat ze beloven

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Smart questions about dynamic pricing

Read all questions

With a dynamic rate, you have a fluctuating energy price. You buy energy directly from the wholesale market, at the market price. What you pay depends on the price on this market and your consumption. The market price of electricity ch3anges every hour, that of gas every day.

Yes. A condition for using dynamic rates is having a smart readable meter. This is the only way we can charge your consumption per hour (for electricity) or per day (for gas).

Do you have a conventional meter, but would you like to use our dynamic rate? Then contact your grid operator to request a smart meter. Not sure if you have a smart readable meter? Feel free to contact us.

It is not (yet) possible to use the dynamic rate if you produce your own solar power with solar panels on your roof. When there is feed-in to the electricity grid during the term of the dynamic contract, this will automatically be converted to the Vrijopnaam variable contract.

A dynamic rate has its advantages, but sometimes disadvantages as well. This differs per situation.

Advantages: on average you are cheaper (provided you consciously choose to consume at the right times). You benefit from hours with a low electricity rate. You have more control over and influence on your energy bill.

Disadvantages: to gain financial benefits, it is necessary to invest time and attention in your energy consumption and its timing. Consciously running the washing machine at times when the electricity price is low requires more attention than when you have a fixed rate and it doesn't matter when you use energy at home.

Not everyone can manage their consumption well or is flexible about it. So the dynamic tariff should suit your situation.

We calculate your monthly installment amount by multiplying your stated consumption by the expected rates for the next twelve months on the wholesale energy market (futures). We divide these expected consumption costs, including taxex and levies, fixed delivery costs and a purchase fee, by twelve. That way you pay the same amount throughout the year. Would you rather pay more or less? Then you can adjust the monthly installment amount yourself via the Vrijopnaam app (web app).

You can chat or call 085-30 32652 on working days between 9am and 5pm. You can always send us an e-mail!